48 thoughts on “Carol anne asks”

  1. It can be mostly. It depends on my mood and what I may have been doing before.
    Like today, I plan to have a rest day after still feeling achy from decorating on Friday. I shall going in the shower soon and pamper my hair while in there. After a hair mask I intend to apply that I will hope will give my hair a nice smoothe feeling and some moisture.
    I shall then pamper my feet with my foot spa, exfoliate and moisturise.
    Dvd’s after, in between lunch and dinner and pop back onto WordPress later.

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      1. Thanks. In the foot spa now, then I will dry my hair after with hairdryer.
        I will make start of lunch after which lunch is akways where I have my dinner. Shall have a chicken portion with mash and veg. Gravy on top and a bit of mint sauce. Feeling hungry just thinking about it.

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  2. It depends… 😂
    Basically I try to take it at least easier but at the same time, I schedule it with those things I cannot get to during the week. This year I will have 8 weekends joining classes from Friday through Sunday (8.30 am – 5.00 pm). No relaxing on those weekends and therefore more packed weekends before and after…

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  3. Nope. It’s usually a half-day of writing, talking to my mom who lives three states away from me, and taking care of odds and ends I missed during the past week. This Sunday has the added chore of the laundry because tomorrow a new generator is being installed.

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  4. Not completely, but compared to other days it is!
    At the moment I have a lot of extra work on, both paid and unpaid. I am doing 60 hour weeks. I work on a volunteer project for a few hours on Sundays, but I also get to see friends with Jack and have a lazy morning.

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