A sleepless night

I’m really tired. I never slept last night. I couldnt settle down. I stayed up all night. I know I shouldnt do that but I couldnt help it. I just couldnt go to sleep. I drank coffee, probably shouldnt do that either. Drank way too much of it. But then on the radio they said it helps you live longer, drinking coffee. Dont know how true that is though.

Anyway, my plan today is to go into work, for a few hours. I dont know yet what time I’m going in at, I need to text my supervisor this morning and arrange a pick up time.

I am going to go eat breakfast now and then go on the treadmill for 20 minutes. I dont feel like it this morning, but I want to keep that up even if I am tired. It will do me good I think to keep exercising.

I am also going to get a shower. Once I am feeling fresh and clean I will be less tired I think. Thats my hope at least.

I hope everyone has a nice Tuesday!

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Author: Carol anne

I am in my mid 40's. I'm blind and I have dissociative identity disorder, I also have complex PTSD. I blog about my life with these disorders. I live in Ireland.

18 thoughts on “A sleepless night”

  1. I think you should drink coffee in the morning but probably have a cut off point. Chamomile tea before bed might help you sleep better. Don’t be afraid to get a nap in during the day if you need to. Rest is important for physical and mental well being.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Sorry you had a sleepless night. I hope it won’t make you too exhausted or depressed as a result, lack of sleep always makes me feel unbelievably low or angsty. I agree with Ruth, chamomile tea can work before sleep. Maybe it’s just a coincidence for me but sometimes I have it before sleep and it works usually, unless I’m in a particularly messed up phase with my circadian rhythm.


  3. Sorry to hear you had a sleepless night. Wishing you a really restful sleep and sweet dreams to make up for it tonight ❤


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