#Socs: Chasing away the blues!!

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is blue. Talk about the first blue object you see when you sit down to write your post. Have fun!

The object nearest to me thats blue is, my coffee mug!
And I’ve had a lot of coffee today already! I’m all caffinated!
I should be starting an assignment for college but, I’m procrastinating! Whats new! Story of my life hahaha!
I want to have my weekend free! I’m telling myself that I dont really know what I am supposed to do for the assignment, so I should wait until next weekend to start it. Of course I could go read the brief we got and then I’d know!
Thats too much like hard work to me though!
Ok, lets have another coffee? Yes?
In my blue mug to be sure I dont feel blue?
Coffee wards off the blues did you know that? 😀


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Author: Carol anne

I am in my mid 40's. I'm blind and I have dissociative identity disorder, I also have complex PTSD. I blog about my life with these disorders. I live in Ireland.

4 thoughts on “#Socs: Chasing away the blues!!”

  1. Wanting the weekend free is universal. I remember how hard it was to make myself do schoolwork on a Saturday or Sunday when it seemed like everyone else was kicking back. Hope that blue mug coffee did the job!


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