Doing some self care

I did some self care stuff this afternoon. Now I feel so good and am glad I took time to myself!
I took advantage of having a bath at my parents house, and I took a nice, long bubble bath!
It was amazing! The water was so warm and I was able to totally relax in it. My muscles are feeling the benefits of it now!
Then I ate a nice dinner with my mom. We had steak, mashed potatos and broccoli and cauliflower mix. It was scrumptious. I put piri piri sauce on my steak and on my potatos, because I am totally addicted to it hahaha!
Now I think I’ll read for a while. I am reading a murder mystery by joanne fluke, its the first book in the Hannah swensen series, a chocolate chip cookie murder and its so good!
Have you done any self care today? Do share about it with me!
❤ 😀 xoxo

Author: Carol anne

I am in my mid 40's. I'm blind and I have dissociative identity disorder, I also have complex PTSD. I blog about my life with these disorders. I live in Ireland.

23 thoughts on “Doing some self care”

  1. Oh my I love piri piri sauce! Anything piri piri flavoured! As for self care, my main accomplishment in this department is getting some proper sleep which I was lacking, and getting back to a somewhat normal sleep-wake cycle again. For how long, we’ll see, but I’m happy while it’s lasting.

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  2. I love self care days! Sounds like you had a wonderful day. My self care days usally include doing a face mask while reading a book after a warm bath/shower. Sometimes I’ll include a hair mask if my hair feels like it needs a ittle bit of TLC.

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  3. Self-care isn’t a selfish act. It is not only about considering your needs. It is knowing what we need to do to take care of ourselves, and of others. Beautiful article😊Do check out my article on the same and please recommend suggestions if you find any😊

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