Internet trouble

i’ve had a night of internet trouble. i had to ring my ISP twice. My internet speed was so slow! The first time I rang a lady told me to disconnect all my devices from 5 G and use 2.4 g and she said it would be resolved then. I tried it, it wasnt resolved. I was getting awfully slow download speeds. So I rang them back and got through to this lovely guy, who checked my line, and said that someone had set the speed to high, and that my phone line wasnt able to take the speed that they’d set it at so he lowered it and he said I should see improvements immediately. And I did!

I hate having internet trouble. I am so addicted hahaha its not even funny! I need my internet and I hate when its down or gives me any problems!

I hope it stays working now!


Author: Carol anne

I am in my mid 40's. I'm blind and I have dissociative identity disorder, I also have complex PTSD. I blog about my life with these disorders. I live in Ireland.

11 thoughts on “Internet trouble”

  1. We used to have loads of problems but since we’ve had Fibre – touch wood – it has been faster and much more reliable.


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