Broadband wos

so I’ve had ongoing issues lately with my internet. its been acting up. disconnecting for a few mins, then coming back on again, this could happen up to 4 times an hour. not all the time, but every few days at least. so a technician from my ISP provider is going to come out on Thursday, thank god! im paying enough for the damn thing. I want it to work! my tv also uses the internet and it wont work without it. so hopefully on Thursday it will be solved. its a pain that it keeps going off! I depend on it and I need it. I need it to work!
Im just frustrated with it. I am also frustrated with the customer service people who answer the phone! The last time I called the lady only wanted to know if I am blind how do I cope? How do I manage? what business is it of hers? She’s supposed to be helping me fix my internet not asking me a ton of personal questions!
When I told her I couldn’t see colours and I needed more of an explanation she didn’t know what to say or do. She said well if you cant see colours then I don’t know what to tell you to do! Talk about having no disability awareness training! She obviously had no clue and so I said ok then whatever, and I just hung up.

Author: Carol anne

I am in my mid 40's. I'm blind and I have dissociative identity disorder, I also have complex PTSD. I blog about my life with these disorders. I live in Ireland.

12 thoughts on “Broadband wos”

  1. I was ready to punch my computer yesterday because I did tech chat support. And no matter how many times I tried to tell this woman, your service is to expensive, I need to drop the bundle and get one stand alone service…and she just went on and on about how I save by bundling and round and round it went. Much as I loathe phones, next time I am going to talk to a real person.
    Screaming at the computer isn’t as therapeutic as yelling at some idget on the phone 😉

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