I won the award for woman of the year!

I cannot believe it. I did it!I won woman of the year last night!

Two of us actually won, both of us got the exact same amount of nominations, so our consultant said she couldnt just pick one of us, so she gave both of us the award.

It was so amazing! We had to wear a tiara and a sash and we got pictures taken! We’re also going to be in the slimming world magazine and on their website.

We got certificates and a bunch of flowers each and a trophy each also. I already framed my certificate and hung it on my wall in my living room.

I’m so so excited! This is just such an honour! So thrilled to have won. It means a lot to me and makes all the hard work of the last couple of months so worth it.

Thanks to everyone for all of your ongoing support of my weight loss journey each week. You’ve all been amazing. I really really appreciate all of the support and love and good vibes and wishes from all of you.

I’m just basquing in the moment right now!

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Author: Carol anne

I am in my mid 40's. I'm blind and I have dissociative identity disorder, I also have complex PTSD. I blog about my life with these disorders. I live in Ireland.

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