Liebster award thank you Rory!

Hi everyone!
Rory from a guy called bloke and canine doodlepup has kindly gifted me the liebster award! Thanks Rory!
Thanks so much, Rory! Your a gem!

Liebster Guide Lines
Thank the person who gifted you, and add a link to their blog.

Add the logo of the award to your post and a link to the creator of this blog award – The Global Aussie: The Official Rules of the Liebster Award 2019

Write a paragraph about what motivates you in life (not just in blogging).

Answer the 5 questions given to you.

Gift 3 blogs that you feel would enjoy receiving the award.

Create 5 questions for those you have gifted the Liebster Award to.

What motivates me? My family, my dog, I like to try to be positive if I can! I believe being positive is the way to go! My family have always taught me to stay strong! Be brave! Be independent! As a blind person this is a very good thing for them to teach me as I have made my own way in life and navigated life pretty successfully I’d say!

And now I shall attempt to answer the 5 questions Rory has set for me!

Why do we enjoy asking questions that we know may not have an answer because of the very nature of a person’s free will and both opinion and belief?

I think we enjoy it because we like to see what is that person going to say to this or that question that I pose, we like to see what their responses will be, its our curiosity it gets the better of us!

Why are so many people keen to believe in something rather than nothing? In so far as is it easier to believe in a God, or life after death or whatever because to not have anything to believe in, means that once we are dead there is absolutely nothing?

Hmm not sure, but if I had to guess I'd say yes thats absolutely it! If we dont believe in certain things then what do we do? Where or who do we turn to?

Do we really have free will or is it purely an illusion we have created to think we are our own people?

We all have free will! That is my belief!

What decisions or actions have you made in your life that have had the longest reaching impact and consequence on your life?

My decision to go to college, was a major one! My decision to get a guide dog was another! Also my decision to write! Start a blog! It has changed my life for the better!

What would happen if it was proved beyond a shadow of doubt that God did not exist, but life in an extra terrestrial form did?

I think we'd all run for the hills! Aliens on earth? Wow! A scary thought!

And now my 5 questions to my nominees?

1. If you could live for eternity, would you want to?

2. If you had a whole week to yourself, what would you do with your time?

3. What is your biggest fear?

4. What irks you the most?

5. Are you a morning person or a night owl?

And my 3 nominees are…

A single parents life

Nova of novas namaste

Iggie of color me bipolar

Congrats and I hope you'll participate in the fun!

Thanks again Rory! I truly appreciate the nomination!

Author: Carol anne

I am in my mid 40's. I'm blind and I have dissociative identity disorder, I also have complex PTSD. I blog about my life with these disorders. I live in Ireland.

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