question of the day

Do you like doing housework? What is your favourite chore to do?

I dont enjoy housework at all. I rarely do it. If I do then usually its just dishes or something. I never do mopping or vacuming. I dont do that because of being blind. Its too hard for me to do it.
How about you?


Author: Carol anne

I am in my mid 40's. I'm blind and I have dissociative identity disorder, I also have complex PTSD. I blog about my life with these disorders. I live in Ireland.

33 thoughts on “question of the day”

  1. I don’t do much aroudn the house myself nowadays, I might help Mum and I do it often if she needs help and if I can help in any way, but other than that I’m lucky to not have to do it and just keep my room clean, which’s not hard as it is not very big. I did a lot of housework in the boarding school though, usually those of us who stayed at weekends there, like me, had more work to do as Saturdays were particularly for doing chores, including floors and all, and ugh that was a nightmare, I never liked it mostly because I never was good at it, so either needed lots of assistance, or wasn’t doing things right. 😀


  2. I despise housework, but I do it because I have to. I have allergies and pets, so I literally HAVE to. I am the worst dishwasher in the world and we don’t have a machine so I have to do that myself. I actually get some of my thinking done while folding clothes – so that’s not bad. …I didn’t know you were blind. Like really bad vision or blind?


      1. me too! we get to really know and support each other. i tell everyone all the time that blogging is a whole new world to me and it feels like a community. so i started calling it “the blogging community”


  3. I’m not a big fan of doing all the housework but I can do it when needed. As for that case, I don’tmind doing dishes but I hate doing mopping and stuff. 😀


  4. I’m in the same boat. I can only do certain chores like dishes and light cleaning e.g. using a cloth to clean up spills and other mess, and I do dishes and wash my clothes and towels and put them in the dryer. I get assistance with everything else. Sometimes the support workers will even do the dishes and washing for me because they know it makes my life a little bit easier.


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