Overcoming obesity

I am writing a poem using an old 3 things prompt.

The three words for the prompt were slim, obese, sober


In slender frames, she stood so slim,

A beauty rare, with a gentle whim.

Her steps were light, her movements free,

A vision of loveliness, for all to see.

But as the years went by, and life did stray,

She found herself in a different way.

Her habits changed, her lifestyle too,

And soon she felt the pounds begin to accrue.

Her once-slim frame, now softened and pale,

Gave way to curves that were no longer frail.

Her steps were heavier, her movements slow,

As obesity’s grasp began to take its toll.

But still she sought to break the spell,

To regain the slender form that once did dwell.

She fought with willpower, with exercise and might,

To shed the pounds and regain her former light.

And though it was a struggle, she did not give in,

For she knew that health and beauty would begin.

To emerge from the shadows, like a flower in bloom,

When she could finally say, "I’m sober, I’ve overcome."

Author: Carol anne

I am in my mid 40's. I'm blind and I have dissociative identity disorder, I also have complex PTSD. I blog about my life with these disorders. I live in Ireland.

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