On the move!

Today, I decided, after much deliberation, that I needed to move, I needed to get moving and exercise.

So I stood on my treadmill, and I put the speed up to 4!

I did a brisk walk, at a speed of four, for half an hour.

I was sweating when I was done, but I felt oh so good!

It gave me a real energy boost, and I feel motivated now to do more!

Which is good, since my body seems to crave the movement, so this is my new exercise regime now, for the foreseeable future.

Author: Carol anne

I am in my mid 40's. I'm blind and I have dissociative identity disorder, I also have complex PTSD. I blog about my life with these disorders. I live in Ireland.

18 thoughts on “On the move!”

  1. Thank you. This helps to reinforce my own resolve to get some exercise whether I need it or not*

    *there’s a part of me that seems to think I’m still young and therefore don’t need to do them… but then I remember, back then, everything was exercise because I was always out and about


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