In my psychiatrists office

In the doctor’s office, a gentle soul resides,

A psychiatrist with compassion, a caring guide.

She listens with understanding, a genuine ear,

As patients share their struggles, their fears and tears.

With therapy, she helps them to untangle and mend,

Their mental health, a fragile thread to amend.

Through talk and conversation, they begin to heal,

Their bond and attachment, slowly starting to reveal.

With kindness and care, she nurtures their recovery,

A gentle hand, guiding them through uncertainty.

Her words are laced with compassion, a soothing balm,

As they work through their struggles, their mental health to calm.

She’s a doctor of the mind, with a heart of gold,

Helping patients find their way, young or old.

Her therapy is genuine, honest and true,

A safe space for healing, where they can trust and renew.

With every session, a sense of relief unfolds,

As patients find solace, their mental health to mend.

And as they grow stronger, their bond with her grows tight,

A symbol of trust, a beacon of hope in the night.

So here’s to the psychiatrist, with a heart of gold,

Who helps patients heal, their mental health to unfold.

May her care and compassion be a guiding light,

As they journey towards recovery, and emerge into the light.

Author: Carol anne

I am in my mid 40's. I'm blind and I have dissociative identity disorder, I also have complex PTSD. I blog about my life with these disorders. I live in Ireland.

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