F is for Friday, yay thank crunchy it is the weekend #Blogging A to Z

Welcome to my letter F post for blogging A to Z! I am late with this post, I am a day late with it! Oh well, here goes, now!

I am so grateful it is the weekend.

And easter weekend!

I am at my parent’s house until Monday.

I am having a chill weekend. Nothing is going on.

I slept in late this morning. I mean I got up at 8 to eat breakfast, mom had cooked bacon and toast for breakfast, so I got up and ate that, but then, I decided to go back to bed and sleep some more!

I slept until 11:30!

It was bliss!

Frances gave me a huge easter egg. It is a Cadbury’s dairy milk one. There is a giant egg, and then there are also two giant bars of Cadbury’s dairy milk chocolate so I’ll have chocolate for a while now lol.

My sister and I did not exchange easter eggs, but I gave her some lottery scratch cards and she gave me some snacky bits. She gave me two easter cupcakes, and a bag of tai sweet chili chips, and some candy.

Mom is doing a special dinner for me and her today. She is making sirloin steaks, and fried peppers, fried onions, courgettes, and baby potatoes.

I can’t wait to eat it! I love that meal!

I hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Author: Carol anne

I am in my mid 40's. I'm blind and I have dissociative identity disorder, I also have complex PTSD. I blog about my life with these disorders. I live in Ireland.

8 thoughts on “F is for Friday, yay thank crunchy it is the weekend #Blogging A to Z”

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