Healing the past

In the past, I wandered lost and alone

Through shadows of sorrow, where hearts were made to atone

The weight of memories, a heavy load to bear

A burden that broke, and left me with scars to repair

But hope, a beacon bright, shines like a guiding light

A promise of redemption, in the darkest of nights

It whispers words of comfort, of a brighter day to come

A chance to heal the wounds, and leave the pain undone

For healing is a journey, long and slow and deep

A path that winds and turns, through trials and tears I keep

It’s a process of release, of letting go and moving on

A surrender to the present, where love can be reborn

In the past, I was broken, but now I’m free

To find my strength in hope, and be all I’m meant to be

The past is just a memory, a chapter closed and done

But hope and healing are the keys, that unlock the dawn to come

Author: Carol anne

I am in my mid 40's. I'm blind and I have dissociative identity disorder, I also have complex PTSD. I blog about my life with these disorders. I live in Ireland.

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