Akaras adventure

As the sun rose over the vast expanse of the savannah, a young lion named Akara stretched her powerful limbs and let out a mighty roar. She had been cooped up in her den for too long, and today was the day she would finally get to roam free.

Akara’s mother, the queen of the pride, had given her permission to venture out and explore the lands beyond their territory. Akara was thrilled, having heard stories of the wonders that lay beyond their borders. She had always been fascinated by the tales of distant waterholes, lush forests, and rolling hills.

With a spring in her step, Akara set off into the unknown. The warm sun beat down on her back as she padded across the dry earth, her mane rustling in the gentle breeze. She sniffed and snuffled, taking in the scents of the wild. The aroma of acacia trees and fresh grass filled her nostrils, and she felt alive.

As she wandered, Akara came across a group of gazelles grazing peacefully. She watched them from a distance, mesmerized by their gentle movements. Suddenly, a young fawn caught her eye. It was struggling to keep up with its mother, stumbling and faltering as it tried to reach the lush grasses. Akara’s maternal instincts kicked in, and she crept closer, her tail twitching with excitement.

Without making a sound, Akara approached the fawn and gently nuzzled it with her snout. The little one looked up at her with big brown eyes, and Akara felt an overwhelming urge to protect it. She kept close watch as the fawn’s mother returned, chiding it gently for wandering too far from its side.

As the sun began to climb higher in the sky, Akara continued on her journey. She followed a narrow stream that wound its way through the landscape, discovering hidden pools and secret waterholes along the way. She lapped up the cool water and basked in its refreshing shade.

As the day wore on, Akara encountered more creatures – a family of warthogs rooting around in the underbrush, a flock of birds taking flight in a burst of iridescent feathers – each one a reminder of the wonders that lay beyond her own territory.

Eventually, as the sun began to set over the horizon, Akara made her way back to her pride’s home. Her mother greeted her warmly, proud of her daughter’s bravery and curiosity. Akara settled into her den, already planning her next adventure – for there was still so much more to roam and explore in this vast and wondrous world.


Author: Carol anne

I am in my mid 40's. I'm blind and I have dissociative identity disorder, I also have complex PTSD. I blog about my life with these disorders. I live in Ireland.

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