A summers morning in June

As morning breaks, the world awakes

In June’s warm grasp, the sun’s sweet makes

The sky a brilliant blue above

A canvas spread with clouds of gentle love

The air is thick with scents of bloom

Roses, lavender, and honeysuckle’s perfume

The breeze stirs softly, whispers low

As morning’s magic starts to grow

The birds awake, their songs take flight

A chorus of joy, a symphony so bright

The world is fresh, the day anew

A summer morning in June, for me and you

The dew-kissed grass, a vibrant green

Reflects the sun’s rays, a radiant sheen

The warmth on skin, a gentle touch

Invigorates the senses, a summer’s clutch

As morning stretches out its golden light

Shadows dance, and all is right

The world awakens from its night

To greet the sun’s warm, loving sight

In this June morning’s gentle hush

All seems at peace, all seems so rush

A time for dreams, for hopes to soar

A summer morning in June, forevermore.

Author: Carol anne

I am in my mid 40's. I'm blind and I have dissociative identity disorder, I also have complex PTSD. I blog about my life with these disorders. I live in Ireland.

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