A piece of history

As I walked into the old mansion, I couldn’t help but notice the beautiful carpet that covered the floor. It was a deep, rich red and seemed to glow in the dim light of the room. I had always loved carpets, and this one was certainly one of the most impressive I had ever seen.

But as I began to explore the mansion, I realized that it wasn’t just the carpet that was impressive. The entire place was a treasure trove of antiques and curiosities. Every room was filled with strange and fascinating objects, each one telling a story of its own.

As I wandered deeper into the mansion, I stumbled upon a small, hidden room that seemed to be dedicated to a particular theme. The walls were lined with tapestries depicting scenes of battles and conquests, and the floor was covered in a thick, plush fibre that felt like silk under my feet.

I couldn’t help but feel a sense of awe as I gazed upon the room. It was as if I had stumbled upon a secret world, hidden away from prying eyes. And then, suddenly, it hit me – this room was where the family’s ancestors had planned their campaigns to slay their enemies. The fibre on the floor was said to have been woven by hand, and the tapestries depicted the bravery and cunning of those who had come before.

I felt a shiver run down my spine as I realized the significance of this room. It was more than just a collection of antiques – it was a piece of history, a testament to the power and legacy of the family who had lived here. And as I left the room, I knew that I would never forget this incredible discovery.

Written in response to di’s 3 things prompt. Today’s words are slay, fibre, carpet.


Author: Carol anne

I am in my mid 40's. I'm blind and I have dissociative identity disorder, I also have complex PTSD. I blog about my life with these disorders. I live in Ireland.

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