Insects, my biggest fear!

I have a huge, and I mean huge fear of insects, especially those that sting.

I am terrified of them, and if one comes near me I literally freak out.

I’ve never actually been stung by a bee, wasp, or any insect.

But I don’t want to be!

It makes going outside in the sunshine a challenge for me. Because, if I hear buzzing, I’m gone back indoors quick as lightning.

Same goes for having picnics, or eating outdoors in the summer months. I prefer not to if at all possible.

I remember as a child growing up I had this fear, and one time we were playing in a field, and rolling down a grassy hill.

A big bumble bee was on me, and I just remember getting totally freaked out and thinking it would sting me.

I think it was after that that my fears intensified.

Plus, being blind, and unable to see them, is also tough.

Author: Carol anne

I am in my mid 40's. I'm blind and I have dissociative identity disorder, I also have complex PTSD. I blog about my life with these disorders. I live in Ireland.

10 thoughts on “Insects, my biggest fear!”

  1. Not seeing them surely makes it worse. Unless you’re allergic, bee and wasp stings aren’t really that bad. Sure they hurt, but by the time someone is an adult, they’ve expereinced many things more painful. I’ve had many headaches that hurt worse, and any toothache is a lot worse than a bug sting. Plus, the pain from a sting doesn’t last too long compared to say, a headache or toothache. Again, this only applies if you’re not allergic!


      1. I hope you aren’t allergic either. My son is, and it’s an emergancy if he gets stung. For whatever reason, he refuses to carry an epipen in case he gets stung, we’ve even offered to pay his part of the cost, but he won’t. I once got stung dozens or maybe hundreds of times while up on a ladder with no easy escape. I learned then that I wasn’t allergic!


  2. I don’t like wasps, but bees are another matter and don’t worry me. In fact, I will talk to them if I see one. I also rescued a huge Bumble Bee from the basement when I worked for the vending machine company by feeding it sugar water until it was strong enough to fly out. It’s not unusual to see either Hubby or I looking for a flower for a tired bee. We need them for pollination. I’ve only ever seen a hornet once, and steered well clear!
    Thanks for joining in. It must be terrible for you to hear something and not be able to see it. At night in the summer we hear the mosquitoes in the bedroom and they drive me mad so we have to get rid of them. The little blighters are immune to fly killer!!


  3. I’m impressed that you’ve lived as long as you have without having been stung! I’ve been stung by bees many times, and although it hurts like the devil, the pain is usually pretty short-lived. But last summer I got stung by a yellow jacket, and that was another experience altogether. It stung me in the foot and it felt like I’d been stabbed with a red-hot knife. My toes turned purple and my foot turned bright red and swelled up hideously. It also itched like crazy. It took about a week for the pain and itching and swelling to go away. I hope that never happens to me again…


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