Who won the week June 6th 2021

Fandango has a weekly prompt, called, who won the week. Check it out for more info!
This week, my who won the week goes to the nurse from the weekend team, for getting me through a difficult weekend.
Her name is karen, and she was a godsend this weekend!
She called me on both saturday and sunday, and we chatted, and she gave me some advice, and suggestions for managing my anxiety, my mood, and the rest of my symptoms.
She was warm, kind, and caring. Very easy to talk too. She put me at ease right away!
So, thank you karen, you win this week for me!

Who Won the Week? 06/06/2021 This, That, and The Other (fivedotoh.com)

Author: Carol anne

I am in my mid 40's. I'm blind and I have dissociative identity disorder, I also have complex PTSD. I blog about my life with these disorders. I live in Ireland.

10 thoughts on “Who won the week June 6th 2021”

    1. Yes, I am lucky to have them, tomorrow is a bank holiday here and they are going to phone me tomorrow again and I will probably go up to the hospital and see one of the nurses face-to-face 💝

      Liked by 1 person

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