Dear Eileen, Happy 8th anniversary!

Dear Eileen
Today marks our 8th year of working together, 8 years you’ve been our therapist. How that 8 years has flown.

Where do I start? I know I’ve said it many times to you, but I am so blessed to have you as my therapist. When I found you I struck gold. I got so lucky. Thank you for believing in us. Thank you for wanting to take on our complex case, and support us. You’ve certainly done that and then some over the past 8 years.

I am forever grateful to you for not abandoning us when things got hard. Your commitment to us has been steadfast. You’ve shown us that it is ok to trust and that not everyone in the world is bad or unsafe.

You continually tell us how resourceful we are, how we are great advocates for ourselves, how we stand up and make ourselves count, we speak out and get our needs met. You’ve told us what a great quality that is, and now I believe you. I agree. We are lucky that we have that ability to advocate for ourselves.

Over the past 8 years we’ve done so much work in therapy. With your help, we’ve ben able to work on healing our past, thank you for helping us to heal our painful past. Your continued support means the world to us.

I hope we’ll continue to work for many more years together, right now I cant imagine a world without you in it. I love you so much, we all do. You are our shining light, our guiding star.

With all our love and so much gratitude
all of us

Author: Carol anne

I am in my mid 40's. I'm blind and I have dissociative identity disorder, I also have complex PTSD. I blog about my life with these disorders. I live in Ireland.

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