Carol Anne asks…

Have you ever helped out a stranger? How?


Author: Carol anne

I am in my mid 40's. I'm blind and I have dissociative identity disorder, I also have complex PTSD. I blog about my life with these disorders. I live in Ireland.

21 thoughts on “Carol Anne asks…”

  1. Often, but only with small things. Most recently I bought a homeless woman a cup of coffee. I believe those small things can make a difference as well.


  2. Honestly, I try to help others whenever I can. For instance, when food shopping, if I see an elderly person having difficulties picking something off a shelf, or having a hard time loading their car. I try to assist them.
    We all need a helping hand one in a while.


  3. Recently, after an appointment at the hospital, I saw a man looking lost in the parking lot. He had a clipboard in one hand and keys in the other, and was wearing shorts and a rumpled shirt. “Did you lose you car?” “Yes,” he said. “I suspect one of my kids picked it up.” So I offered a ride home. My husband was with me and we drove him by his kid’s house first and then home. When we got home, we found he had left his clipboard. It had some crossword puzzles and his name. Ric took it back to the hospital, as we didn’t write down the man’s address. Turns out he is on the Board of Directors for the hospital, so they knew him well. We both had a chuckle over this one.

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