I feel so lousy!

My stomach is playing up tonight. I feel like shit. I dont know what is wrong with it, I didnt eat a lot today. I ate dinner, and breakfast, I ate some fruit, and a sandwich tonight, and a few pringles. Now I feel so off. It feels like I have acid in my stomach. Its horrible. I feel lousy. I asked mom if she had something I could take. She gave me one of her antacid tablets. I hope it starts to work soon. I hope I dont have this for the whole night! There is no pain, no nausia or vomiting, just a horrible taste in my mouth and some reflux too. Ug this sucks!

Author: Carol anne

I am in my mid 40's. I'm blind and I have dissociative identity disorder, I also have complex PTSD. I blog about my life with these disorders. I live in Ireland.

27 thoughts on “I feel so lousy!”

  1. I hope that the antacid works. I usually take 3 of the store brand antiacid tablets that I use. They work fast but don’t last too long. My Dr. had to put me on Nexium because the heartburn was so bad.


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