Weight loss update

so I am wondering how I did this week with my weight loss!
I sneakily stepped on the scale this morning! It gave me a nice result, but well, I know I cant really trust my own scales! So I am not going to hope that what my scales said is true!
I will just wait until tomorrow when I have my weigh in and see how I go then!
I was good though this week so…well, hoping that will pay off!
I am making a spaghetti bolognes today, well I am not doing it, my mom is, and I will eat that today, and maybe even tomorrow too.
The only thing I’ve eaten this week that was any way bad is I had two bags of cheese and onion crisps, on saturday. Other than that I havent had anything unhealthy! I have eaten tons of fruit which is also speed so thats good right? I think so!
I am so hopeful of a good result tomorrow night. I’ll be devastated if it turns out bad!
I’d really love to lose more than a pound!
That is my dream result, to lose maybe 2 or 3 pounds!

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Author: Carol anne

I am in my mid 40's. I'm blind and I have dissociative identity disorder, I also have complex PTSD. I blog about my life with these disorders. I live in Ireland.

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