Traumas lasting legacy

The scars of memory linger long,

A constant ache, a heavy song.

The weight of trauma’s crushing might,

Leaves its mark, a lingering light.

The echoes of what was done,

Haunt every waking moment, sun.

The shadows dance upon the wall,

A reminder of the pain that enthralls.

The dreams are haunted, full of fright,

The mind replays the darkest night.

The body tenses, the heart races fast,

As the mind relives the past.

The emotions swirl, a maelstrom deep,

A whirlpool of despair, a heavy sleep.

The memories are fragmented, torn,

A puzzle of pain, a heart that’s worn.

The trust is broken, shattered lies,

The sense of safety, a distant sigh.

The fear is constant, a nagging guest,

A reminder of the past’s unrest.

But still we rise, we face the pain,

We learn to heal, to love again.

We find our strength, our inner voice,

We rise above the trauma’s choice.

We learn to let go, to release the past,

To forgive ourselves, and heal at last.

We find our way, our path anew,

We heal, we grow, we see it through.

For though the scars may never fade,

We can learn to live with them displayed.

We can learn to love again, to trust,

To find our peace, and be just as we must.

So let us rise, let us face the pain,

Let us heal, and love again.

Let us find our strength, our inner voice,

And rise above the trauma’s noise.

Author: Carol anne

I am in my mid 40's. I'm blind and I have dissociative identity disorder, I also have complex PTSD. I blog about my life with these disorders. I live in Ireland.

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