#SoCS October 6th

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “prime.” Use it as an adjective or a verb, use it any way you’d like. Have fun!

Amazon prime is a delight!

I love it!

I can order something and it is delivered to me the next day!

It is well worth the money in my opinion!

Plus you have all the movies and shows too!

And books! Everyone knows I’m a huge bookworm!

So I’m glad I subscribe to amazon prime.

My sister even used my account this week, to get her sons birthday gits.

So now there are packages coming one came today, and one is coming on Monday.

And I also have a new external CD rom drive for my laptop coming tomorrow!

Have a good weekend! 😊

Its heating up here this weekend.

We’ve got temps in the late 80’s!

The Friday Reminder and Prompt for #SoCS Oct. 7, 2023 | (lindaghill.com)

Author: Carol anne

I am in my mid 40's. I'm blind and I have dissociative identity disorder, I also have complex PTSD. I blog about my life with these disorders. I live in Ireland.

4 thoughts on “#SoCS October 6th”

  1. Wha͏t truly ca͏pti͏va͏te͏s me͏ a͏bout Ama͏zon Pri͏me͏ i͏s i͏ts ce͏a͏se͏le͏ss que͏st for e͏xpa͏nsi͏on a͏nd e͏voluti͏on. Ama͏zon Pri͏me͏ i͏s more͏ tha͏n just a͏ subscri͏pti͏on; i͏t’s a͏ symphony of i͏nnova͏ti͏on, de͏li͏ve͏ri͏ng a͏ compre͏he͏nsi͏ve͏ a͏nd ta͏i͏lore͏d e͏xpe͏ri͏e͏nce͏ to i͏ts me͏mbe͏rs. The͏ pla͏tform re͏ma͏i͏ns a͏ pi͏one͏e͏ri͏ng jugge͏rna͏ut, consi͏ste͏ntly se͏tti͏ng ne͏w sta͏nda͏rds i͏n custome͏r se͏rvi͏ce͏, conte͏nt cre͏a͏ti͏on, a͏nd te͏chnologi͏ca͏l i͏nnova͏ti͏on. In a͏n e͏ra͏ whe͏re͏ ti͏me͏ i͏s a͏ pri͏ze͏d commodi͏ty, Ama͏zon Pri͏me͏ ha͏s not only conse͏rve͏d i͏t but a͏lso gra͏nte͏d me͏ the͏ gi͏ft of e͏ndle͏ss possi͏bi͏li͏ti͏e͏s a͏t my fi͏nge͏rti͏ps.

    Liked by 1 person

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