Update on my sister

So my sister is still working. Even though she is going for major surgery in 4 weeks’ time.

She was supposed to be on a weeks holiday starting next Tuesday, but today, her boss informed her that the company was too short staffed, and she’d have to forego her holidays, and work on.

She is going to work until the 12th, then, she’s going to come out of work on sick leave.

She has stuff to do before her surgery, like sorting the kids back to school uniforms, and books, etc.

She is pretty annoyed that she wasn’t able to take her holidays as planned. She’d planned on doing some fun stuff with the family.

She’s been extremely tired lately, probably due to all the blood loss, she had to go have bloods taken last week, to check her hemoglobin levels.

Please can you all continue to pray that her surgery will go smoothly, and be a success, and that the tumor she has isn’t cancerous.

Thanks, everyone!

Author: Carol anne

I am in my mid 40's. I'm blind and I have dissociative identity disorder, I also have complex PTSD. I blog about my life with these disorders. I live in Ireland.

14 thoughts on “Update on my sister”

  1. That’s the corporate kingdom for you. People are nothing. The dollar is king.

    I talked to a traveler a few years ago who told me it is less that way there than here. Sorry to hear it is creeping in.


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