Dear sweet Charlie

Oh Charlie, dear and true,

My Border Collie, through and through,

Your tail wagged with joy and glee,

As I walked through the door, and you saw me.

Your eyes shone bright, like the morning sun,

As you danced and pranced, having fun,

Your fur a-flutter, your ears so fine,

You were a picture of canine delight divine.

You bounded to me, with a joyful yelp,

And nuzzled my hand, with a happy yelp,

You licked my face, with a sloppy grin,

And wrapped your paws around me, like a warm hug within.

Your happiness was contagious and free,

As we twirled and spun, wild and carefree,

The memories of the beach, still fresh in mind,

But nothing could compare to this moment we shared in kind.

For in that instant, it was just us two,

A bond of love and joy, forever true,

You may have been tired from the sun’s bright rays,

But my arrival home, chased all your fatigue away.

Oh Charlie, dear one, my heart beats for you,

As I returned home to you, I knew what to do,

I’ll cherish this moment, forever in my mind,

Of your pure joy, as I came home to find.

Author: Carol anne

I am in my mid 40's. I'm blind and I have dissociative identity disorder, I also have complex PTSD. I blog about my life with these disorders. I live in Ireland.

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