Sidewalk moments

Sidewalk stretches out like a canvas

awaiting the brushstrokes of life

asphalt flowers blooming in every direction

their petals of gray and black shimmering in the sun

peppermint wind whispers secrets to the trees

carrying the scent of sweet memories

of childhood summers spent playing outside

with the carefree abandon of a child

laughter echoes through the streets

as little feet pound the pavement in delight

skipping from one adventure to the next

unfettered by the burdens of growing up

the sidewalk becomes a stage for play

where imagination knows no bounds

where the thrill of discovery is just a skip away

and the joy of being alive is felt in every heartbeat

in this fleeting moment all is right with the world

as the peppermint wind carries the sweet refrain

of childhood’s simple pleasures and joys

and the asphalt flowers bloom with vibrant beauty

Author: Carol anne

I am in my mid 40's. I'm blind and I have dissociative identity disorder, I also have complex PTSD. I blog about my life with these disorders. I live in Ireland.

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