Sleep, oh sleep, where are you tonight?

The darkness falls, the world is still

But my mind refuses to stand still

Thoughts and worries, a restless tide

Keep me awake, side by side

I toss and turn, I flip and spin

My body weary, my soul within

Longing for the peace that’s gone

As the hours tick on, one by one

The clock ticks slow, the room is bright

The shadows dance upon the wall tonight

I try to calm my racing mind

But like a wild beast, it’s hard to unwind

The bed feels cold, the pillow hard

As I lie awake, lost in the dark

I miss the rest that I once knew

As the night wears on, my eyes are blue

I search for sleep, but it eludes me still

Leaving me to face the morning’s chill

I’ll wait for dawn, for day’s warm light

To banish this insomnia’s endless night.

Author: Carol anne

I am in my mid 40's. I'm blind and I have dissociative identity disorder, I also have complex PTSD. I blog about my life with these disorders. I live in Ireland.

10 thoughts on “Sleep, oh sleep, where are you tonight?”

    1. Not tonight, but I will try in a little while to listen to some soft music, and dim my light, and if I can’t fall asleep I’ll read, I love reading, so I always have that as an option. X

      Liked by 1 person

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