Ireland, a magical land

Emerald hills rise high and wide,

In Ireland’s land, where legends reside,

Where ancient castles stand, and myths abide,

And magic whispers secrets to the tide.

The wind whispers tales of old,

Of faeries, leprechauns, and stories untold,

The scent of peat and turf fills the air,

As the misty mountains touch the sky so fair.

The rain falls soft, a gentle hue,

On green fields stretching far and new,

The sound of bagpipes echoes near,

As traditional music brings us cheer.

In Dublin’s streets, the pubs abound,

Where Guinness flows, and laughter resounds,

The Guinness pours, a rich dark delight,

As friendships forged, on warm summer nights.

The Cliffs of Moher stand tall and proud,

Where Atlantic waves crash, in a foamy crowd,

The Wild Atlantic Way, a scenic drive,

Through rugged coastlines, where history thrives.

In Killarney’s lakes, and Dingle’s shore,

The beauty of nature’s majesty we adore,

The Famine Memorial, a somber sight,

A reminder of struggles, through the night.

Ireland’s land of myth and legend true,

Where magic lingers, in all anew,

In every nook, a story’s told,

Of a land where hearts are made of gold.

So here I’ll stay, in this emerald land,

Where love and laughter fill my hand,

For in Ireland’s soil, my heart takes root,

And its beauty will forever fruit.

Author: Carol anne

I am in my mid 40's. I'm blind and I have dissociative identity disorder, I also have complex PTSD. I blog about my life with these disorders. I live in Ireland.

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