In the rugged hills

In rugged hills, where nature’s beauty lies

A challenge calls, with a steep surprise

The climb is long, the path uncertain too

But with courage and determination, we’ll see it through

With every step, our strength we’ll find

And with each accomplishment, our hearts will entwine

The joy of reaching the summit so high

Is a reward that makes the journey worthwhile

As sunshine warms our faces, and the air is fresh and bright

We’ll find our inner strength, and shine with all our might

For in the beauty of nature, we find our greatest test

And with courage and determination, we’ll pass with flying colors, blessed

For in the rugged hills, where nature’s beauty reigns

We’ll find the courage to climb, to conquer and to sustain

Our determination will be the beacon that guides

And with joy and sunshine, we’ll stand tall, side by side

Author: Carol anne

I am in my mid 40's. I'm blind and I have dissociative identity disorder, I also have complex PTSD. I blog about my life with these disorders. I live in Ireland.

Talk to me! I love comments!

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