I paste on a smile

A gentle paste to cover the cracks

A forced smile to hide the pain

A mask to conceal the truth

The past, a heavy burden to bear

I’ve had to survive on scraps of hope

To find a way to break free from the weight

Of abuse that suffocated my soul

Leaving me with scars that would never heal

But still I search for a way to mend

To find solace in the journey’s end

A recovery that brings peace and calm

And washes away the sadness and the pain

But for now, I’m left with this face

A reflection of the struggle and strife

The lines and creases etched by time

A map of the road that I’ve been forced to climb

The pain still lingers, a constant ache

A reminder of the wounds that won’t heal

But I’ll keep moving forward, one step at a time

Through the darkness, towards the light that’s mine


Author: Carol anne

I am in my mid 40's. I'm blind and I have dissociative identity disorder, I also have complex PTSD. I blog about my life with these disorders. I live in Ireland.

10 thoughts on “I paste on a smile”

  1. Odd to think after all of these things in life, that we still carry with us the weight of the past? I was in meditation and came to a realization that perhaps I am now wise enough…to start letting the past go. Because I am wise enough to knkw that it hurts…..but I cannot let it hold me back.

    This poem is beautiful, I mean no disregard to the feelings. But you gave me a very large compliment, and your poem inspired me to share that momebt with you 🙏


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