I’m blind, can’t you tell?

That is what I just said to the delivery guy who brought me a package.

He literally rang my doorbell, and walked away, leaving me standing there wondering where my package was.

I asked him where it was. He said, it’s there, right there.

Me: Right where?

I felt around on the ground, and found it, but he should’ve handed it to me!

I should not have had to feel around on the ground!

I am so annoyed! And disappointed in the courier company’s staff!

I mean it is pretty easy to see that I am blind, just by looking at me.

I don’t know what his problem was!

I’ve a good mind to lodge a complaint.

What a crap service!

Author: Carol anne

I am in my mid 40's. I'm blind and I have dissociative identity disorder, I also have complex PTSD. I blog about my life with these disorders. I live in Ireland.

23 thoughts on “I’m blind, can’t you tell?”

  1. There is no excuse for that person being so rude. I’d bring it to the company’s attention so they could maybe have a talk or meeting with the employees about sch things.


  2. It is sad that he treated you this way. Possibly he had not realized instantly that you are blind and then was simply overwhelmed and dit not know how to react. It is not an excuse but I hope he will do better in the future.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. How insensitive of him 🥺 if I were you, I would call the courier place and make a complaint.

    I agree with you. He should have handed it to you rather than just say “it’s right there.” Such idiocracy! Smh 🤦‍♀️


  4. I’m glad most delivery drivers here make sure they hand the package. But really, how hard can it be to wait and hand it out rather than just leaving the package? Seriously.


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