#5 things: 5 healthy foods

Dr. Tanya asks us this week to list 5 healthy foods for her 5 things tag. Check out her post below

Well I try to eat as healthily as I can, but today I did buy a lot of chocolate, lol. I couldnt resist. I spied it and straight off had cravings for it.
So what do I eat when I am eating healthy?
Eggs- Boiled or scrambled, I love eggs. And they are really good for you.
Cerial bars-I like alpan light cerial bars, when I was in slimming world I ate these for a snack, they come in many different flavours.
Soup-Homemade vegetable soup, I love it. I make my own using whatever veg I have available.
Brown bread-Bread gets a bad wrap, but brown bread is good for you, there is a lot of fibre in it, and its healthier than white bread.
Nuts-Not too many, but I do love peanuts, which do have a lot of protein in them, I do realise they have a lot of fat in them too. I also love cashoo nuts, almonds, and any type of nut really.
What foods do you like to eat that are healthy?

Author: Carol anne

I am in my mid 40's. I'm blind and I have dissociative identity disorder, I also have complex PTSD. I blog about my life with these disorders. I live in Ireland.

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