Slept like a log!

Well, the sea air did me good!

I came upstairs last night at around 8 PM. I went on my laptop and read a few blog posts. But then I decided to lie on the bed for a few minutes, I was thinking I’d go back downstairs again to watch a show with my mom.

I fell asleep and I did not wake again until 8 AM this morning!

My mom said she came out to the kitchen after a little while last night, and she could not hear me moving around, so she figured I went to sleep and she decided not to disturb me.

I feel great this morning!

It is so nice to have had a good night’s rest!

It was needed!

Author: Carol anne

I am in my mid 40's. I'm blind and I have dissociative identity disorder, I also have complex PTSD. I blog about my life with these disorders. I live in Ireland.

8 thoughts on “Slept like a log!”

  1. Yaaaaay!!! That’s awesome!! Your body clearly needed the rest as well as the much needed sleep.

    When I use to take nightly walks to help relax and clear my head, before all this agonizing and chronic back pain plagued me; Nightly walks while listening to my music on my phone, was invigorating for me. After coming home plumb exhausted, I found that I was able to sleep so much better. My mind was better able to shut down and not run a million miles an hour, when I did try to close my eyes and sleep. My body would be at a relaxed state and I was easily able to slip into a peaceful nights sleep. Gosh!! What I would give to have my nightly walks back. 🫤 I miss my nightly walks.


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