A letter to my inner child

Dear Inner Child,

I want you to know that I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately. You’re the spark that drives me, the curiosity that propels me forward, and the innocence that reminds me of what’s truly important.

You’re the part of me that remembers the joy of playing in the sunshine, the thrill of chasing butterflies, and the sense of wonder that comes with discovering new things. You’re the one who reminds me to laugh often, to play without worrying about what others think, and to be kind to those around me.

As I grew older, I often forgot about your presence. Life got busy, and I became consumed by responsibilities and worries. But deep down, I know you’ve been there all along, waiting patiently for me to rediscover your wisdom.

I want you to know that it’s okay to be messy, to make mistakes, and to not have all the answers. You’re still learning, just like you were when you were little. And that’s what makes you so special.

Your creativity, imagination, and sense of adventure are what make me unique. They’re what allow me to dream big, take risks, and pursue my passions.

I promise to listen more closely to your whispers and to follow your heart more often. I promise to prioritize playtime and self-care, so that you can continue to flourish.

Remember, Inner Child, you’re not just a relic of my past. You’re an essential part of who I am today. Your spark is what sets my soul on fire, and I want to keep that flame burning bright.

Thank you for being such a loyal companion. I’m grateful for the memories we’ve made together and for the lessons you’ve taught me. Keep shining your light, little one. I’ll be right here beside you, celebrating your awesomeness.

With love,

Carol Anne

Author: Carol anne

I am in my mid 40's. I'm blind and I have dissociative identity disorder, I also have complex PTSD. I blog about my life with these disorders. I live in Ireland.

8 thoughts on “A letter to my inner child”

  1. What a beautiful and perfect letter to Lil’ Carol anne! I bet you were adorable, and I love your inquisitive nature more than ever! 🙂 My inner child would love to play with lady bugs … till I looked at one real close and got the creepy crawlies (lol)! Love to you always!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You wrote that??? Carol Anne, you need to write more prose. Just write your thoughts about anything straight out like you think them. This is far and away your most quality piece of writing to date. You GO!!


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