Roast chicken for dinner

Mom is cooking roast chicken for our dinner, yum!

I can’t wait to tuck in and eat it!


The aroma fills the room, so sweet and true,

Of roasted chicken, cooked just right for you.

The golden brown skin, the tender meat inside,

My stomach growls with anticipation, my taste buds glide.

The flavors dance upon my tongue so fine,

A symphony of savory, juicy and divine.

The herbs and spices, a perfect blend,

A culinary delight that will never end.

The juices flow, a rich and creamy stream,

As I take a bite, my senses beam.

The crunch of crispy skin, the soft of meat,

A perfect harmony that can’t be beat.

Oh, roast chicken, you’re a wondrous treat,

A comforting meal that can’t be beat.

So here I’ll savor every morsel with glee,

And let the deliciousness set my soul free.

Author: Carol anne

I am in my mid 40's. I'm blind and I have dissociative identity disorder, I also have complex PTSD. I blog about my life with these disorders. I live in Ireland.

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