Unseen whispers

In the realm of forgotten dreams

where laughter echoes and tears are spent

I find you, my inner child

a whispering voice, a gentle bent

Your eyes, like windows to the soul

reflecting wonder, untainted gold

a curiosity that knows no bounds

a heart that beats with an innocence profound

In this secret space, I find solace

a refuge from the world’s cacophony

where your presence whispers truth to me

and reminds me of the beauty in simplicity

The world outside may have tried to silence

your laughter, your questions, your sighs

but here, in this sanctuary of mine

your voice is loud, your spirit alive

Your small hands hold a bouquet of wildflowers

pressed between the pages of a worn book

the petals of which are the memories we’ve made

the scent of which is the love we’ve shared

As I breathe in the sweetness of those moments

I feel the weight of responsibility lift

to be your guardian, your protector, your guide

to help you grow, to help you thrive

And so I’ll hold your hand, my dear one

as we venture into the unknown together

and though the road ahead may be uncertain

I’ll whisper truths to you, and help you gather

the fragments of your shattered heart

and mend them with the threads of our love and art.

Author: Carol anne

I am in my mid 40's. I'm blind and I have dissociative identity disorder, I also have complex PTSD. I blog about my life with these disorders. I live in Ireland.

8 thoughts on “Unseen whispers”

  1. I’ve recommended a breathing exercise for many years now, for reclamation and healing of the inner child. At the end of that exercise comes a moment exactly as you have described it here ~ adult and child fall back in love with each other and find their respective places in one another’s lives.

    The parallels are so striking that I think I’ll go find my prose piece about that and offer it right now. I’ll dedicate this publication to you. Keep an eye out for it!

    Very nice job, here, my dear. You sure are a pro about that inner work ~ ever consider writing a little guide for other multiples, telling them how to get along with themselves? Something to think about! Add a preface from your therapist and intro-and-commentary from your doctor & you might get a lot of good work done with it, jus’ sayin’…


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