Mornings hush

The night’s dark veil is slowly lifted high,

And morning’s gentle whisper whispers by,

The world awakens, slow and quiet as can be,

A time for dreams to fade, and reality.

The stars, like diamonds, in the sky so bright,

Begin to fade, as morning’s light takes flight,

The moon, a silver crescent, low and wide,

Lends its soft glow, to morning’s tide.

The birds, in chorus, sing their sweet refrain,

A symphony of hope, to ease the pain,

Their trills and chirps, a gentle melody,

Echoing the morning’s symphony.

The air is crisp, and cool, and fresh as can be,

Invigorating the senses, wild and free,

The world, reborn, in all its might,

A fresh beginning, a brand new light.

In this still hour, before the fray,

I find solace, in this peaceful day,

A time to reflect, to pray,

To let the world’s noise fade away.

The morning’s hush, a sacred sound,

A time to listen, to the world around,

To hear the whispers of the heart’s deep core,

And find the peace that we’ve been searching for.

So let us cherish this early light,

This sacred time, when all is right,

When darkness fades, and hope takes flight,

And the world awakens, pure and bright.

Author: Carol anne

I am in my mid 40's. I'm blind and I have dissociative identity disorder, I also have complex PTSD. I blog about my life with these disorders. I live in Ireland.

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