My ongoing therapy: An update

So last week, at the end of our session, Eileen told me that in our current batch of sessions, we have 23 left currently, and she asked for more, and we were granted another 8 on top of the 23, but after that, we won’t get funding for any more.

So that leaves me with two options. Ask Dr. Barry if she can help me out, by applying for funding from the organization that she works for, or pay Eileen myself.

I’m willing to pay for my therapy, and Eileen is willing to give me a reduced fee, if it comes to it.

But last week, I asked Dr. Barry, and she’s going to put an application in for me for funding. She did say it is unlikely to be accepted, that no application that she’s ever put in before for private psychotherapy was ever accepted. But she’s willing to try and I am so thankful to her for that.

If it isn’t accepted, then I’ll be paying 40 euro per week for my therapy, and I may have to do it over zoom, unless I can budget so that I can afford the taxi’s to and from Eileens office.

Taxi’s both ways come to 40 euro per week also.

So we’ll see what happens. I’m more than a little worried, but I’m trying not to stress out too much. I really can’t afford to stress, we have too much stuff right now that we need to work on in therapy, and that needs to be our priority right now.

I’ll stress about the cost, funding etc. when it gets closer to the end of our funded sessions..

Author: Carol anne

I am in my mid 40's. I'm blind and I have dissociative identity disorder, I also have complex PTSD. I blog about my life with these disorders. I live in Ireland.

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