Weird and wonderful holidays for may 27th

The weird and wonderful holidays for May 27th, 2018 are:
Cellophane Tape Day
Indianapolis 500
National Grape Popsicle Day
National Gray Day
Neighbor Day
Nothing to Fear Day
Old-Time Player Piano Day
Sunscreen Protection Day
Trinity Sunday

Author: Carol anne

I am in my mid 40's. I'm blind and I have dissociative identity disorder, I also have complex PTSD. I blog about my life with these disorders. I live in Ireland.

8 thoughts on “Weird and wonderful holidays for may 27th”

  1. I live about 80 minutes away from the 500 track (Indianapolis Motor Speedway) I’m also on the most direct route to the track from northern Indiana and Michigan. We get extra traffic, extra picked-over grocery stores, extra cops looking for speeders, extra high gas prices, and I understand that most of the motel rooms are booked at least a year out. It used to be worse for me, I actually lived in Indianapolis. We just didn’t leave the house unless necessary. We went to the time trials a lot, but I’ve never seen the race itself in person.


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