Dr barry again

So as you all know we saw Dr Barry yesterday. Its the middle of the night here now and I am still up. I’m reflecting and thinking on things. I told Dr barry that we’d had some dissociation over the weekend and I didnt know why. At least I thought I didnt know. Dr Barry asked if I had any incling at all, so I got to thinking and then it hit me. I think its fear, fear of getting to the really deep trauma memories in therapy. We’ve been doing a lot of hard work in therapy lately. I’d say for a few months now. And we’re going deeper and deeper into the trauma stuff. Into the heart of the memories. We even allowed Eileen to do EMDR, something we thought we’d never do. And its working for us, we’re liking it. We dont do it all the time, I think we’ve done it 3 or four times now. But back to what Dr Barry was talking about. She said she thinks the fear of telling is causing us to lose time, dissociate more than usual, switch more often. She said it could be some of the insiders who havent talked to Eileen before, trying to push forward and get their say. I suppose she could be right. I dont honestly know. But tonight I’ve been thinking about it and mulling it over. Whatever is causing it, I want to try and help and put a stop to it. I dont want all of our inner communication to get fucked up, so I am saying here and now, if any of you have any worries and stuff, come to me. Dont let them bother you and worry you. I am sure I can help you if you would just ask.
Carol anne

Author: Carol anne

I am in my mid 40's. I'm blind and I have dissociative identity disorder, I also have complex PTSD. I blog about my life with these disorders. I live in Ireland.

2 thoughts on “Dr barry again”

  1. Hey guys, feel free to talk to me as well, and maybe you’ll start to feel better; if you all are wanting help to reach out to anyone in the system or to Eileen, you can talk here, okay?


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