Silver lining…


Cyranny's Cove


When you think
it is over, when
hope has faded
not to be back again.
When everything
seems blacker than white
and you can’t find
the strength to fight.
When you have lost
all living will…

See the good side,
There’s still someone to kill.

Most of us have thought about it, at some stage of our life. A lot of people come to the bloggosphere to share their pain, try to understand their inner demons, and get some comfort. A lot of people.

I wish there were magic words to soothe aching souls.

Unfortunately, there aren’t. But one thing is for sure… As long as you are there, there is hope.

So if you are there, having these dark, painful thoughts, talk about it! Call a friend, a family member, a helpline. Write it on your blog, write to a fellow blogger, write to me… But reach out before…

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Author: Carol anne

I am in my mid 40's. I'm blind and I have dissociative identity disorder, I also have complex PTSD. I blog about my life with these disorders. I live in Ireland.

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