Finding my way back

In the depths of childhood’s innocence, I play

Without a care, without a single fray

But trauma creeps in, like a thief in the night

Stealing away my peace, and my inner light

A question forms, a whispered doubt

Am I to blame? What did I do without?

The weight of shame and guilt begins to bear

A heavy heart, a soul that’s scarred and bare

As I grow older, the wounds remain

A constant ache, a chronic pain

Feeling lost, alone, and far from home

Trying to heal, but the scars won’t be undone

The darkness lingers, a constant guest

A reminder of what I’ve repressed

The light that once shone bright and bold

Is now but a distant memory to hold

Sadness creeps in, like a winter’s chill

A numbness that refuses to fulfill

The longing for peace, for joy and for rest

A sense of calm, a sense of being blessed

But still I search for the way to heal

To release the pain, to make it real

To let go of the triggers that remain

And find my way back to love and peace again

For in the darkness, there is still a spark

A glimmer of hope, a light in the dark

A chance to heal, to mend and to be whole

To find my way back to my true soul.

Author: Carol anne

I am in my mid 40's. I'm blind and I have dissociative identity disorder, I also have complex PTSD. I blog about my life with these disorders. I live in Ireland.

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