I’ll greet each new day

As morning breaks, the sun ascends the sky,

Bringing with it a glorious, golden light.

The birds take flight, their sweet melody,

A chorus of joy, a symphony so bright.

As I greet the day, with heart full of cheer,

I feel the twist of fate, drawing me near.

To a path that’s mine, a destiny to claim,

A journey of discovery, with every step I take in this game.

Hello to the day, with all its might,

A time for new beginnings, a fresh delight.

The sunshine warms my face, a welcome sight,

As I step into the morning, feeling alive and bright.

The music of the birds, a sweet refrain,

Echoes through my soul, a joyous strain.

Their melody is mine, a harmony so true,

A symphony of life, played just for me and you.

Fate and destiny entwined, like threads in a tapestry,

Guiding me on my way, to where I’m meant to be.

So I’ll greet each day, with open heart and mind,

And let the glorious sunshine, be my guide and find.

This is a response to an old 3 things daily prompt.

The prompt words for this response were hello, twist, greet.


Author: Carol anne

I am in my mid 40's. I'm blind and I have dissociative identity disorder, I also have complex PTSD. I blog about my life with these disorders. I live in Ireland.

6 thoughts on “I’ll greet each new day”

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