a warriors tale

In the silence of a little girl’s heart,

A darkness crept, and would not depart.

Abuse and trauma, a toxic brew,

Left her soul, with scars anew.

But in the midst of that pain and fear,

A spark of courage began to clear.

She found her strength, her voice, her might,

And rose up, to take back the night.

For she was more than just a victim’s tale,

She was an authentic soul, with emotions that prevailed.

Though alone, she faced her darkest hour,

She stood tall, and claimed her power.

"My story" is one of resilience and might,

Of a warrior who emerged from the night.

For she is not just a survivor, but a thriver,

Who turned her pain into a beacon of light.

Her scars remain, a testament to her past,

But they also serve as a reminder of her strength at last.

For though she was broken, she was never defeated,

She rose up, and her voice was no longer retreated.

Her journey is long, but it is not in vain,

For she is now a warrior, with a story to reclaim.

And though she may still face fear and doubt,

She knows that courage is the key to her own route.

This poem is a tribute to all survivors of abuse and trauma. It’s a message of hope and resilience, reminding them that they are strong, courageous, and authentic. It’s a celebration of their strength and a reminder that they are not alone.

Author: Carol anne

I am in my mid 40's. I'm blind and I have dissociative identity disorder, I also have complex PTSD. I blog about my life with these disorders. I live in Ireland.

Talk to me! I love comments!

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