Sunday confessionals: New things I am trying and experiencing

I am joining in with Sunday confessionals, where this week, our challenge is to talk about something new we’ve experienced, how it manifests for us.

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Sunday Confessionals : Blooms – Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie (

A few things I’ve experienced relatively recently to do with spring are:

The birds starting to make their nests, they are nesting in my chimney, and in the bushes outside my house. It is so lovely to hear them sing early in the morning when I am awake.

Also, it is nice to be able to smell the new flowers blooming, there is something wonderful about the smell of new flowers, all fresh, and so inviting.

Then there is the brighter mornings and evenings, I am so glad the days are now becoming longer, and the mornings are getting brighter, in late March, we’ll have daylight savings time, and I can’t wait, as that, for me is the beginning of summer.

Also I’ve been trying out a couple of new recipes lately, and they’ve all turned out great. I am definitely enjoying all the new foods.

I’m also reading other genres to what I normally read, and am really enjoying doing that as well.

Author: Carol anne

I am in my mid 40's. I'm blind and I have dissociative identity disorder, I also have complex PTSD. I blog about my life with these disorders. I live in Ireland.

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