I was in a car crash

Hi guys. Today I was in a serious car crash. My mom, sister, and my sisters two kids were also in the car with me when it happened. Basically what happened is we were going to the grocery store to get my groceries, and we were almost there. We were coming down a hill and when we got to the bottom of the hill we turned right. Another car was coming from behind. He rear ended us. Not once but twice. He hit us and then like 3 seconds later he hit us again. We were panicking by this stage. We were all screaming and trying to pull in. My sisters car is a right off. The whole back of it caved in. We think the other driver was drunk, not only did he hit us twice but then he drove off. He just drove away. We are all ok, but we had to all be checked out. We all had to go to the hospital. My sister, mom and me all have pain in our heads and necks. The doctor said our injuries are muscular. He gave us pain relief and antiinflamitories for a few days. The kids are both ok, but Lauren also had neck pain and whiplash. But she’s ok other than that. We were very very lucky. If he’d hit us when we were coming from the hill we’d have all been killed. Or at least me and Lauren would have as we were on the passenger side of the car. Someone was looking out for us. They had to be. I’m still in a lot of pain and I’m also still in shock. I cant believe the guy drove off. I mean, who does that? How can he live with himself after driving off? The police came and took statements from us. And they said they will try to find him. His registration plate fell off his car, that’s how hard the impact of the bangs were. So we had half of his registration plate. They said they hope to be able to trace him. A girl who works on one of our local radio stations also saw us and she came and talked to us. She snap chatted a pic of the car and the road which had all debris in it and she asked anyone to make contact with the radio station if they know anything. Some passers by were really good to us. They made us tea and they stayed with us until the police came. Thank god we’re all ok. When he hit us the first time, and then a few seconds later he smashed into us again, god I thought we were goners. I really thought we’d be killed. It’s a miracle we’re all ok and alive.

Author: Carol anne

I am in my mid 40's. I'm blind and I have dissociative identity disorder, I also have complex PTSD. I blog about my life with these disorders. I live in Ireland.

76 thoughts on “I was in a car crash”

  1. Wow, after reading this I can definitely relate as I have been in two different crashes that could have turned out so much worse than they did. I had fractured both wrists and ended up with a concussion my last accident. I am so thankful that you and your family are doing okay. It is completely normal to still be shaken. I hope that they catch the person that hit you all! Xoxo Keep us posted 🙂 I am here if you need to chat!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I agree with you. He should have to pay for what he has put you and your family through. You and your loved ones are in my thoughts and prayers, I hope you feel better. I had to sit down and drink some hot tea after the one accident I was in. Make sure that you rest your neck, and take what they prescribed you. Feel better soon. Xoxo

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  2. Praising God that you are all ok. He was definitely watching over you all. Glad you are all ok. The 3rd day after a wreck is usually the worse… when you feel every muscle in your body. Take it easy. Praying for you all.

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  3. Glad your all okay. He shouldn’t be to hard to find I wouldn’t think. He is going to need a new tag for his car. Seems they could figure it out some how that way. If he hit like that someone is going to notice the damage to his car and call hopefully.

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  4. Oh my goodness! I’m so sorry that happened to you!! I’ve been in a couple of serious crashes, and they are very scary. I’m so glad no one was seriously hurt! Take care of yourself!!! xoxo

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  5. Oh no that’s horrible! I’m glad your injuries weren’t as serious as they easily could have been. I really hope they find the driver – leaving the scene like that is such a terrible thing to do.

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  6. It’s good you all are okay. Something like this happened to us years ago, when a drunk driver hit us and then drove away. But I had a good look at his plate and could report this to the police. I asked myself the same question, how can he live with just driving away?!

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