The flames of impatience

In the depths of my soul, a fire once did fret

A burning flame of impatience, worry, and regret

It danced with fervor, leaving trails of distress

A chaotic storm that left me dizzy and possessed

But as I searched for solace, I stumbled upon a spark

A glowing ember that led me to the heart

Of strength, where fears and doubts were but a distant past

And in its warmth, I found a peace that would forever last

The flames of worry died, replaced by calm delight

As I surrendered to the present, and let go of the fight

The embers cooled, no longer burning bright

And in their place, a gentle peace took flight

In this stillness, I found healing for my soul

A balm that soothed the wounds, and made me whole

For in the quiet, I discovered my true strength

And learned to let go, and let peace be my length

So let not the worries of this world get you down

For in the embers of your heart, you’ll find a peaceful crown

And when the flames of impatience start to rise

Remember to breathe deeply, and let the calm arise.

Author: Carol anne

I am in my mid 40's. I'm blind and I have dissociative identity disorder, I also have complex PTSD. I blog about my life with these disorders. I live in Ireland.

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