Rising from the ashes, free at last!

In the past, I found myself rough and worn,

Like the ashes that remain after a fire has torn.

The flames of trauma had left their mark,

And I was left to face the dark.

But I was determined to try and rise,

To find the strength to heal and meet the skies.

I knew it wouldn’t be easy, but I had to try,

To find the courage to face the tears and sigh.

I knew that the best way to heal was to face,

The pain and the hurt, and take my place.

To stand up tall, and let my voice be heard,

And let the world know that I’m not alone, and that I’m not blurred.

I drew upon my strength, and found my might,

And slowly but surely, I began to take flight.

I rose above the ashes, and left the past behind,

And found my courage, my determination, my strength of mind.

I learned to persevere, to face the pain,

And to rise above the trauma, and let my spirit reign.

I found that healing is a journey, not a destination,

But it’s worth it, because it’s a chance to find liberation.

So if you’re feeling rough, like the ashes of your past,

Just remember that you’re strong, and that you’ll rise at last.

Find your courage, your determination, your strength,

And you’ll rise above the ashes, and shine with all your might.

Written in response to one of Di’s 3 things daily prompts


Author: Carol anne

I am in my mid 40's. I'm blind and I have dissociative identity disorder, I also have complex PTSD. I blog about my life with these disorders. I live in Ireland.

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